Experience, Knowledge And Advocacy

Bankruptcy Can Bring New Beginnings

Whether a divorce caused your financial struggles, or debt resulted in your marriage ending, money issues can be a vicious cycle. But the endless bills and constant collections calls do not have to continue.

At Scott & Aplin LLC, we want you to know that if you are dealing with overwhelming debt, there is still hope. Through our debt relief services, we can help you explore your bankruptcy options to get the fresh start you and your loved ones need.

A Guide You Can Trust To Stay By Your Side

Filing for bankruptcy can feel intimidating when you are first contemplating it. But with attorney Laura Boyer King at your side, you can get your life and your finances back on track.

With over 15 years of experience in bankruptcy, attorney King can:

  • Assess your case to see if bankruptcy is right for you
  • Determine which chapter of bankruptcy you qualify for
  • Help you understand how bankruptcy can impact you
  • Answer any questions you may have about the process
  • Complete all the necessary paperwork involved
  • Protect your interest throughout the proceedings

While it is normal to have reservations or concerns regarding bankruptcy, the longer you wait to get the help you need, the more your debt will grow. But in enlisting our services and taking swift and decisive action, you can put an end to it from here on out.

Come In Confidence, Leave With Hope

For more information on the different chapters of bankruptcy or to discuss the details of your case in private, contact us today.

Located in Fort Wayne, our attorneys are available to evaluate your circumstances and guide you to a solution that works best for you. Call us at 260-200-5321 or send us a message to schedule a confidential consultation.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.